Thursday, May 6, 2010

Back in the saddle! So to speak.

Yes I know! What's the deal with the lack of posts. Well if I actually thought there was more than one person interested in what's going on with me I would have been a bit more frequent. Well I can't take my one follower for granted now can I Junior. :)

Anyway I'm getting back in the saddle. The blog saddle that is. I have been busy with Ferrochie the past few months. I had my first show on May 1st and it was a success in my mind. I didn't sell a lot but I did learn a lot and made a bunch of new friends.

This is Oberon's Gateway. It's a vintage key door chime that was one of four new items I introduced for the May 1st show called The Handmade Bash. The Handmade Bash is a show run by Etsy Dallas and organization I can proudly say I am a 2010 member of. You can check out the Etsy Dallas website by clicking this link:

I'll be posting a couple of things next week so until then . . .


  1. Congrats on your first show! I saw your booth at the Etsy Bash and was admiring the door chimes. Still considering buying one but I'm trying to wait until after I move..

    Keep coming to the Dallas Etsy shows! The Christmas one is a monster.


  2. Thanks Amanda! I'm definitely coming to Jingle Bash so I look forward to seeing you there. If you come back and see this will you forward me some contact info?
