Steampunk Time Machine by Ferrochie |
It's finally done and we are super excited about it. The Steampunk Time Machine (really combustion punk but I made that up) is our answer to the EtsyDallas Artist challenge and charity, "Sit Down To Stand Up For Kids". Before I talk about the chair I want to remind you that YOU are invited! Learn more about the event (if you haven't heard enough from me about it already) by visiting:
Left Side View |
I had originally wanted to do a very intricate carved chair done in the tradition of someone like Charles Rohlfs. Two things changed my mind on that. The first was seeing what Chet Phillips of ChetArt put together for his chair:
http://chetart.com/blog/?p=4594 After seeing Chairman Chimp I realized I was going to have to do something a little more unpredictable . . . less safe.
Front Seat Closeup |
The second was doing a little more brainstorming with Misty. We bounced some idea's back and forth and steampunk is what stuck. If you are unfamiliar with steampunk, here is an excerpt of how Wikipedia defines it:
"Steampunk is a sub-genre of
science fiction,
alternate history, and
speculative fiction that came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s.
[1] Steampunk involves a setting where
steam power is still widely used—usually
Victorian era Britain—that incorporates elements of either science fiction or fantasy. Works of steampunk often feature
anachronistic technology or futuristic innovations as Victorians may have
envisioned them, based on a Victorian perspective on
architectural style,
art, etc. This technology may include such fictional machines as those found in the works of
H. G. Wells and
Jules Verne."
Rear View |
Our Steampunk Time Machine does follow that description with a few exceptions. There is a combustion engine on the back courtesy of the salvaged Indian motorcycle our Victorian Era scientist somehow acquired. Perhaps this belched out into his laboratory from a previous attempt at tearing into the space/time continuum. Otherwise, is follows the genre. :)
Complete with time dial, leather seats, solar sails and a sleeping bag, this time machine is ready to travel. I worked hard on the chair itself while Misty created the leather seats and sails. Frankly, I like this so much I wish it wasn't traveling to a future where someone else is taking it home. However, I am glad that in a small way it will be helping to take a child on a journey to a much better future!
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beautiful work!!